SCHAUENBURG in Mülheim-Ruhr 

The holding company of SCHAUENBURG INTERNATIONAL, a modern group of enterprises, invests in established and profitable industrial companies worldwide.

The focus is on companies that are leading in their niche markets and strengthen or complement the existing business divisions Electronic Technologies, Plastics Processing, Machinery & Equipment as well as Industrial Solutions. In addition, the group is open to new activities with promising prospects.

The individual companies of the group operate in the daily business largely on their own, receive business management assistance when needed and are further developed within the group. To implement this philosophy based on trust, responsibility and progress, SCHAUENBURG INTERNATIONAL relies on a continuous dialogue and flat hierarchies.

SCHAUENBURG Industrial Solutions
SCHAUENBURG INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS is one of four business units of SCHAUENBURG INTERNATIONAL and a key division in the group. It consists of well-established companies which specialise in elastomeric and thermoplastic products. By drawing upon extensive experience to deliver sophisticated, environmentally friendly solutions, we satisfy the highest quality standards and consistently meet market needs. We offer one-stop solutions – so whether we are developing new products or providing tailored logistics services, we are always focused on finding the right solutions for our customers.

11164 0510 IndustrietechnikAll SCHAUENBURG INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS companies adhere to the highest quality standards. We work according to the DIN EN ISO 9001 quality management standard which ensures besides routine monitoring the further development of the materials and production processes we use.